Kevin Durant: Unyielding Passion for Basketball Ignites in a 10-Year-Old Boy from an Underprivileged Area

One of the top basketball players in the NBA is Kevin Durant. And getting to that pinnacle of grandeur requires constant effort.


American professional basketball player Kevin Wayne Durant, born September 29, 1988, plays for the Brooklyn Nets in the American Professional Basketball League (NBA). He was named Finals MVP (best player in the championship series) both of the times he won two NBA titles.

Right now, KD is among the NBA’s most versatile shooters. He is among the basketball players in the world with the highest salary. In addition, Time Magazine listed him among the top 100 influential individuals in the planet in 2018.


A difficult upbringing “I failed numerous times before getting back up. I’m still standing here even though my family and I suffered through the worst period.

In the little village outside of Washington, where Kevin Durant was born, 80% of the houses were impoverished. The KD family is not an anomaly. Kevin Durant was a slim, lanky teenager as a result of his childhood hunger and lack of clothes. His father abandoned the family when he was just one year old. Kevin Durant still has that body now for that reason.

Raising her two sons was a hardship for the twenty-one-year-old single mom. Because Wanda Durant’s (Kevin’s mother) employment is so erratic, they frequently have to relocate. “Had to sleep on the floor; no bed, no furniture.” The absence of love from the father had an impact on Durant’s mother and son’s spiritual life in addition to material possessions. “The three of us hugged each other to stay warm.”

Growing up, Kevin was extremely tall and had a strong interest in basketball. Upon hearing the 10-year-old boy’s dream of becoming an NBA player, Wanda made every effort to support her kid. Additionally, she penned and posted a letter that read, “Always believe that anything can happen,” over KD’s bed.

Kevin Durant accomplished his goals of winning the MVP award and the NBA championship twice despite numerous obstacles and tireless work. KD said that his mother was the sole reason for his achievement.

35th shirt number “I would have switched to shirt number 47 if he had died at the age of 47.”

For Kevin Durant, 35 represents the narrative of a person, but to others, it’s simply a number.

Charles Craig was killed in a shooting that happened early on April 30, 2005. Kevin Durant, then 16 years old, was not at the site, but he heard about the incident shortly. For Charles Craig is not just his basketball instructor but also his spiritual father and guide.

Kevin Durant started donning the number 35 shirt after that in remembrance of Charles Craig’s age at the time of his passing. He expresses his gratitude in this way to his committed teacher from the orange ball’s early years.


“I am aware that my success is the result of hard labor. And it will all be gone the day I give up trying so hard.”

KD has been working really hard on his game. He kept trying despite his repeated failures. He spent eight hours a day practicing basketball for six years in a row!

And he succeeded! For almost ten years, his number 35 shirt has been among the best-selling jerseys in the NBA basketball competition. Shirts featuring the number 35 and Kevin Durant’s name were in high demand from fans all over the world.

a prosperous yet gracious and modest individual “I get to inspire people with basketball.”

Kevin Durant went from being a boy who lost everything to becoming the world’s impoverished child’s dream. With his present family, he is leading a prosperous and contented life. Kevin Durant, nevertheless, is still unable to let go of the bad times in the past.

After achieving great success in his career thus far, KD now dedicates his efforts to “giving back.” His charity fund is utilized to assist a large number of homeless people, construct basketball courts in impoverished places, and facilitate the education of children from challenging backgrounds.

We can plainly see from Kevin Durant’s narrative that family is the one place one should always return to, regardless of wealth or notoriety.

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